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Proxy error: Error code: HTTP 400 (utorrent)

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Joined: 08 Apr 2008
Posts: 1

PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 7:58 pm    Post subject: Proxy error: Error code: HTTP 400 (utorrent) Reply with quote

Greedytorrent used to work well with all trackers. I was using it with utorrent version 1.7.4
I registerd to a torrentsite which didnt allow this version, so i downgraded to version 1.6.1 build 489. I was actually looking for build 490, but installed it anyway.
Everything still worked perfect. Than i found utorrent 1.6.1 build 490 so i installed that. This is when the problems started. Everytime and with every tracker i get the "Proxy error: Error code: HTTP 400"
I havent changed any of my settings in utorrent or greedytorrent.
So i decided to go back to utorrent 1.6.1 build 489 which worked previously, but this version also didnt work. I even went back to version 1.7.4 but to no avail.
What could be the problem here, as i said i didnt change any of the settings.

I also tried the newest version of azureus with greedytorrent and with the same settings as im using in utorrent. In azureus everything works ok. But i dont like azureus, i want utorrent Very Happy
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Joined: 23 Mar 2007
Posts: 86

PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 10:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Everytime this happens, try working with another tracker instead of banging the same tracker with more updates. Try some well working tracker like bittorrent.com, which is not under severe load and is available all the time.

If it still doesn't update, please get back to the community and we'll try to find more about it.
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