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Joined: 26 Sep 2007 Posts: 1
Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 4:42 pm Post subject: Here is exactly why I think GreedyTorrent is unfair. |
I bet most of you clicked into this thread expecting a certain something, an argument perhaps that's been said many times before. I as-sure (filter didn't like that last word) you though, this is not something that's said too often, because it's a bit on the extreme side.
I think those that are "unfortunate" (as in having to use GreedyTorrent to get decent usage out of BitTorrent because of lack of a good fast connection, for whatever reasons), are still cheating. If you happen to live in a country where no fast internet connection is offered, or you just can't afford it, I say "too bad, that's life". I'm sorry it sounds so harsh, but I stand by it.
I live in Canada, have a high speed Telus connection, and can get a good deal off BitTorrent without hassle and long wait times. But do you know why? Yes, partly due to circumstance, I was born and raised in Canada, and was (again, by circumstance) raised by a fairly wealthy family (I don't mean to brag, just saying it how it is). But also, my parents work hard to be able to earn the amount of money that they do (and so do I for that matter) to be able to afford one of the fastest connections available to home users where I live, so we've earned it in that respect.
All in all, I can chalk up my luck of a good connection and BitTorrent experience to both circumstance, hard work (to earn the money for my connection needs), and maybe some other unthought of factors as well. But my point is, if you use GreedyTorrent you are probably either:
a. Just greedy, maybe even have a good fast connection, or
b. Live in a place that doesn't support, or maybe can't afford a faster connection
Sorry, but my stance is exactly this, in summation:
If you are using GreedyTorrent out of greed and not lack of a fast connection, you are being unfair to those who are willing to give back even a little (even if not a perfect 1 to 1 ratio). And if you are using GreedyTorrent to "level the field" due to either being poor or not having a good connection available due to where you live, in both of those cases, I'm sorry to say it, but the world doesn't owe you a favor because of your "unfortunate" situation. Fairness is not a thing you "deserve", but a thing that you should hope for. If it comes along, great, if not, well, too bad.
Use the connection you have people. Make the best of it without this poor excuse for a "fairness tool". Heck, move away from where you are, or get off your as* and work to pay for a better connection. I do. |
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Joined: 22 Jun 2007 Posts: 9
Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 8:05 pm Post subject: Re: Here is exactly why I think GreedyTorrent is unfair. |
brass2themax wrote: | I'm sorry to say it, but the world doesn't owe you a favor because of your "unfortunate" situation. Fairness is not a thing you "deserve", but a thing that you should hope for. If it comes along, great, if not, well, too bad. |
so we hoped and hoped and out came this handy tool. So i am sorry, but you contradicted yourself there. YOu said we cannot have fairness, and yet we can???
I can downoad at 200KBs, whereas upload is only 20KBs. Take no mathimagician to work out that i can downloa much more than upload.
I only use it for when i am in serious trouble, like a 0.1 or lower ratio, and i bring my ratio up to 0.5.
I share as much as i can. But living in the middle of nowhere, with a crap line, it is hard. Oh, and middle of nowhere... 2 houses that are 1 mile away from the next house. 5Miles away from a shop of any sort. 50 Miles away from a server station, to get decent speeds. |
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Joined: 23 Mar 2007 Posts: 86
Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 5:32 am Post subject: Re: Here is exactly why I think GreedyTorrent is unfair. |
brass2themax wrote: | If you happen to live in a country where no fast internet connection is offered, or you just can't afford it, I say "too bad, that's life". I'm sorry it sounds so harsh, but I stand by it. | Oh you're pretty wrong! I have GT to keep my ratios up, no matter I seed or not, and you poor seeders upload day and night just to beat my ratios. I feel:
a. You're a private tracker admin, in which case if you feel sad about me leeching you dry, I'll say "too bad, that's life". I'm sorry it sounds so harsh, but I stand by it!
b. You're a moron: What good is there even if you were were bred by a wealthy family and enjoy a fast internet connection? You dont have the brains to use it properly, you just seed your life out, while people like me get what we want, without spending a penny.
brass2themax wrote: | I live in Canada, have a high speed Telus connection, and can get a good deal off BitTorrent without hassle and long wait times. But do you know why? Yes, partly due to circumstance, I was born and raised in Canada, and was (again, by circumstance) raised by a fairly wealthy family (I don't mean to brag, just saying it how it is). But also, my parents work hard to be able to earn the amount of money that they do (and so do I for that matter) to be able to afford one of the fastest connections available to home users where I live, so we've earned it in that respect. |
I live in a poor country, I dont have good upload speeds (who cares?) and I too get a very good deal of BitTorrent without long wait times or even the hassle of uploading. Somehow I like to see the green graph of uTorrent high up leeching with my full bandwidth, while the red one licking zeroes. But do you know why? Because some dumb guy in Canada, born and raised by a fairly wealthy family (I'm just saying it) is spending most of his life seeding torrents for me to leech from him. Look how dumb he is, and he's so proud of it! OMG!!
brass2themax wrote: | Heck, move away from where you are, or get off your as* and work to pay for a better connection. I do. |
Heck, why don't you spend the rest of your life seeding your torrents, while I get my stuff from you and the other thousand morons like you, without giving you back a penny! Sure you're cool, because you seed like hell, and I'm just a leech, leave me alone sucker. |
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Joined: 06 Sep 2007 Posts: 17
Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 11:34 pm Post subject: |
brass2themax wrote: | I bet most of you clicked into this thread expecting a certain something, an argument perhaps that's been said many times before. I as-sure (filter didn't like that last word) you though, this is not something that's said too often, because it's a bit on the extreme side. |
Quote: | (...) are still cheating |
How wonderful. You have just taught us what nobody questions. Of course we are cheaters. Nothing new about that.
However, you fail to elaborate on the moral position of "cheating". Apparently, you think it is wrong, in all circumstances, because otherwise you wouldn't have presented this fact as if it represents an unquestionable moral statement. But let us examine your crescendo:
Quote: | "too bad, that's life" |
What a fabulous argument! So you are basically saying, that no matter how bad your circumstances may be, it is always wrong to break the accepted rules of morality as determined, in this case, by you.
So let's generalize a bit. Generalizing is fun.
When the whole village is dying of hunger, because some landlord has raised his rent to a ridicilous level, it is wrong to steal food out of his storehouse, because, here it comes: "too bad, that's life."
And when workers in South-East Asia are being are being exploited by paying them ridicilous wages for 16 hour work days, it would be silly of them or anyone to complain and try to think of ways to beat the system, or even revolt, because, after all, "too bad, that's life".
And when your girlfriend loses her job because someone told her boss some lies about her, you will say to her, loving as you are, "too bad, that's life." After all, the employer doesn't owe her anything, now does he? After all, employment is just a fair exchange of money for Arbeit, the value of which is determined by that representative of everything just and righteous called the free market.
Perhaps it's now clear to you that "too bad, that's life" can NEVER be an argument in telling someone that he/she should abide by the rules that have been set for him/her. It is always used by those who find themselves on the lucky side of life, never by those for whom life has been not so good - not until they have become cynical, at least.
You think you have earned all that you have by your hard work? This is only true in the very last instant. I would have liked to have seen you been born among the poor of Bangladesh, or Ethiopia, in the dry remote areas of China, or among the Untouchables of India. And then I would have seen if you would have liked me telling you "too bad, that's life". 99.9% of the effort that has been exerted in order to bring you all that you possess, has not been your doing, but that of those who came before you and those that are around you, serving you. There is nothing about you that makes you more worthy of all these riches than the average street bum in India; you have simply been granted it by 'rights of birth'. And many of these things you consider your proper reward for all the hard work you do, are built upon the exploitation of millions in all of the third world countries (in present and past): your computer, and most likely your shoes, your clothes, your car, and part of your food; all built by those who are working even harder than you, but who, apparently, according to your criterium, deserve much less.
You are one uninformed motherfucker.
lilgeeek wrote: | a. You're a private tracker admin, in which case if you feel sad about me leeching you dry, I'll say "too bad, that's life". I'm sorry it sounds so harsh, but I stand by it! |
Great counter . |
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Joined: 29 Feb 2008 Posts: 4
Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 1:25 am Post subject: Re: Here is exactly why I think GreedyTorrent is unfair. |
brass2themax wrote: | I bet most of you clicked into this thread expecting a certain something, an argument perhaps that's been said many times before. I as-sure (filter didn't like that last word) you though, this is not something that's said too often, because it's a bit on the extreme side.
I think those that are "unfortunate" (as in having to use GreedyTorrent to get decent usage out of BitTorrent because of lack of a good fast connection, for whatever reasons), are still cheating. If you happen to live in a country where no fast internet connection is offered, or you just can't afford it, I say "too bad, that's life". I'm sorry it sounds so harsh, but I stand by it.
I live in Canada, have a high speed Telus connection, and can get a good deal off BitTorrent without hassle and long wait times. But do you know why? Yes, partly due to circumstance, I was born and raised in Canada, and was (again, by circumstance) raised by a fairly wealthy family (I don't mean to brag, just saying it how it is). But also, my parents work hard to be able to earn the amount of money that they do (and so do I for that matter) to be able to afford one of the fastest connections available to home users where I live, so we've earned it in that respect.
All in all, I can chalk up my luck of a good connection and BitTorrent experience to both circumstance, hard work (to earn the money for my connection needs), and maybe some other unthought of factors as well. But my point is, if you use GreedyTorrent you are probably either:
a. Just greedy, maybe even have a good fast connection, or
b. Live in a place that doesn't support, or maybe can't afford a faster connection
Sorry, but my stance is exactly this, in summation:
If you are using GreedyTorrent out of greed and not lack of a fast connection, you are being unfair to those who are willing to give back even a little (even if not a perfect 1 to 1 ratio). And if you are using GreedyTorrent to "level the field" due to either being poor or not having a good connection available due to where you live, in both of those cases, I'm sorry to say it, but the world doesn't owe you a favor because of your "unfortunate" situation. Fairness is not a thing you "deserve", but a thing that you should hope for. If it comes along, great, if not, well, too bad.
Use the connection you have people. Make the best of it without this poor excuse for a "fairness tool". Heck, move away from where you are, or get off your as* and work to pay for a better connection. I do. |
We don't care what you think! |
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Joined: 21 May 2008 Posts: 2
Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 1:03 pm Post subject: |
I have an ADSL connection with "unlimited" download speed and only 16kB/s upload (last speed test showed 500kB/s download = 4000kbps)
I have a ratio of at least 1.26 on every private tracker I'm on (9 in total).
This isn't because I don't download anything - I've just recently purchased a second 500GB hard drive, as my previous one, along with my original 250GB, were almost full.
To be fair, so trackers I don't download much from, but others I use plenty - mostly ones that have freeleech in some way shape or some sort of bonus/karma points system - a way that allows me to keep my ratio without seeding for 24 hours for each hour I download.
Long story short: I know I can't keep a 1.0 ratio on any of the "big" (popular) private sites, so I have found some that suit me, and my connection, better.
I can see why some users might feel they need to use a program like GT to keep their ratio, but if that is the case then I think you should try looking for a more suitable torrent tracker - there are plenty to choose from! |
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Joined: 19 Jul 2008 Posts: 3
Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 9:38 pm Post subject: Re: Here is exactly why I think GreedyTorrent is unfair. |
brass2themax wrote: | I live in Canada, have a high speed Telus connection, and can get a good deal off BitTorrent without hassle and long wait times. But do you know why? Yes, partly due to circumstance, I was born and raised in Canada, and was (again, by circumstance) raised by a fairly wealthy family (I don't mean to brag, just saying it how it is). But also, my parents work hard to be able to earn the amount of money that they do (and so do I for that matter) to be able to afford one of the fastest connections available to home users where I live, so we've earned it in that respect. |
You have absolutely no right to say that you have earned a good enough connection to provide enough upload capacity to speed up your downloads. YOU did not earn anything. Your parents did. You are simply some rich snob, who probably has accomplished nothing and has done nothing to earn the money you have. Saying that Greedy Torrent is unethical for one reason or another is fine. I accept that argument, but I disagree with it. However, you should not disrespect people that use this program because they have no other way to have quick downloads with BitTorrent. You are being totally arrogant because of your wealth, and it is unacceptable, especially considering that you yourself did not earn it. |
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Joined: 24 Sep 2007 Posts: 5
Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 9:17 am Post subject: Little Rich Boy |
So Just because you're wealthy means that its all for you and screw everyone else? Is that what you think boy? You were born into a wealthy family, you didn't earn sh**. If you were out in the real world on your own without mommy & daddy you're candy as* might discover why ratios are unfair and should not be enforced. The actual creator of bit torrent, Brahm Cohen also believes that enforcing ratios is unfair and violates the original spirit of his software. So you can kiss my as* little rich boy.  |
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Joined: 19 Jul 2008 Posts: 3
Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 6:41 pm Post subject: |
Quote: | So Just because you're wealthy means that its all for you and screw everyone else? Is that what you think boy? You were born into a wealthy family, you didn't earn sh**. If you were out in the real world on your own without mommy & daddy you're candy as* might discover why ratios are unfair and should not be enforced. The actual creator of bit torrent, Brahm Cohen also believes that enforcing ratios is unfair and violates the original spirit of his software. So you can kiss my as* little rich boy. Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad |
I could not have said it any better. |
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