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Custom settings...

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Joined: 22 Jun 2007
Posts: 9

PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 1:26 am    Post subject: Custom settings... Reply with quote

I use greedy torrent, and like it. But ther is one problem...

I cannot just leave it! I use multiple sites, and if i leave it, my ratio will be the same all round!

So, could a feature be added named "Random", when unchecked, allows the user to specify a specific value, and when checked, reads a data file that contains some numbers, and swithces between them every hour?

SO, if i have random checked, and the following in the list:

Then every hour, it will switch between them all, so creating different ratio poportions.

The file should be able to be edited by the user, so they can enter some numbers, to make it more custom to their needs. But i would reccommend about 30 numbers to start with...
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