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GT got Hacked ?

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Joined: 28 Jul 2009
Posts: 1

PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 3:46 am    Post subject: GT got Hacked ? Reply with quote

My GT was working good for like 6 months with no problems, but now it?s crashing and closing sometimes, and sometimes utorrent just can?t connect with the GT proxy... in the log I see GT making updates like crazy, showing tracker addresses that is not the addresses of my trackers... Don?t even seems to be trackers url... sh** like pharmotopsites.com, loop.thick.jp, infoseek.co.jp, karen.on.arena.ne.jp, eu1.badoo.com and the list goes on, like a hundred or more url?s, as if it was really trackers that GT was updating ratios... I don?t think the problem is with my UTorrent 1.8.2 because it keeps updating that crazy addresses infinitelly till it crashes, even when I close Utorrent. GT got hacked and I got a virus that?s doing it ? What should I do ?

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