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Caught on using GT and ban
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Joined: 06 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 2:49 pm    Post subject: Joy - a forum for the haters! Reply with quote

How delightful to find an entire community that despises the impotent little hitlers at thebox as much as I! Personally I only use my many accounts there just for the lulz because I know how much it irritates them. Most of the content is available elsewhere without all of the Stalinesque malfeasance. Now that I know these people are this sad:

smpjcO8 wrote:
I bet your paranoid StormcatDashanaDustyDickhead- worrying every moment that we'll catch you and ban you: keep worrying -


Twisted Evil

I'll start using thebox more often! I mean really - you can just imagine the poor little tard ejaculating as he typed that. He has no idea how little impact on the world his lame little bans actually have. If they had half a clue they'd spend some time sorting out their server security.

God bless you thebox - you provide so much amusement.
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Joined: 10 Feb 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 4:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

helloansuman wrote:
I m using greedy for more than a year & i was not got caught by any tracker Smile...

well I've been using GreedyTorrent since the day it came out.

and im using it on all the best private trackers. u cant get inside without an invite. private trackers with strict rules.

I've been using GreedyTorrent for YEARS.

not a single private tracker site was able to ban me.

cause i use my brain all the time when it comes to ratio.
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