Joined: 23 Jul 2008 Posts: 6
Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 8:37 am Post subject: short GUIDE on using this program and how not to get caught |
This little program is the best, i am a long time cheater, and i previously used RatioMaker. On torrentbytes i had cheated over 2 TerraBytes (2TB!), but a few months ago they finally detected ratiomaker.
Today i'm using GT, it is a bit slower, but much much more safer. As long as you dont upload 100 GB in 15 seconds you will not get caught.
Why do you think admins from other torrent sites come here and b.i.t.c.h. about this program? Beacouse it is not detectable and all they can do is cry about it here
Lets begin:
1. Read the FAQ on this site, especially the part where it shows how to set up your torrent client properly.
As you see in the picture, my real upload was a half of a MB, but the tracker thins i uploaded 251 MB
3. In preferences enable auto start
That is all. When your computer starts, GT will run in the background (you will not even notice it!) and slowly fake your upload. For every MB you download, the tracker will get a message that you uploaded 1.5 MB. Your ratio will NEVER go below 1, in fact it will slowly rise.
That is all, yes its so simple and efficient! And remember, do not overuse the upload, you will get caught if you upload impossible amounts!
Now lets point fingers at the poor torrent admins that are here and laugh  |