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Joined: 18 Mar 2007
Posts: 38

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 12:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes it is . I get a real lift read some of these posts. Glad we could entertain you . But all fun things must end .
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Joined: 15 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 1:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Joined: 16 May 2007
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PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2007 7:46 pm    Post subject: cheaters stealling from cheaters ? Reply with quote

I've read almost all the post around here,the pro and against argumesnts of the tracker admins or staff.U all say that cheating it's not fair,cause u'll affect the other good uploaders,cause u don't share what u have taken,and this could come to a fall of the tracker if everybody would cheat.Very true.But let's think a little bit at what u are doing.It's a well known thing that trackers have problems with the copyright law,but manage to avoid close down,saying that they don't phisically host the files.But what u are doing it's like cheating.U take the work of an artist(reffered as to all who produce movies,music,software etc) and u share it for free.It's that ethical ?If nobody would buy the movie,an album,the software,the artist could have enough money to continue they're work?(this thing it's exactly like if everybody would cheat on a tracker).Give it some thought.U are acting like u are beeing mother teresa and the leechers some criminals.Take a look at yourself first.
Now leechers.Don't act like as* to those who provide u all the sh** u are downloading for free.As it's well known NOTHING LASTS FOREVER.So think about it.
From my point of view here it's just a case of thievs stealing from thievs.
I'm just a neutral side giving an opinion.Attack the idea not the person !
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Joined: 23 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 4:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cheaters get banned for life
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Joined: 23 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 1:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oinky, why go angry? There are some things you can't do Oinky, and believe me, detecting a wise GT user is one of it!
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Joined: 23 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 4:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

lilgeeek wrote:
Oinky, why go angry? There are some things you can't do Oinky, and believe me, detecting a wise GT user is one of it!

don't be too sure about it.
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Joined: 23 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 1:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmm.. I'm pretty sure; Unless some OiNK admin bans me. But I've done a pretty good level of leeching there, so I guess either they are dumb, or they dont have a way to find me out. Smile
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Joined: 23 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 3:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

lilgeeek wrote:
Hmm.. I'm pretty sure; Unless some OiNK admin bans me. But I've done a pretty good level of leeching there, so I guess either they are dumb, or they dont have a way to find me out. Smile

or may be you are just ranting...
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Joined: 06 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 4:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This was the funniest thread. I've been laughing my a.s.s off.

I will post a decent article on this forum later.

In the mean time, I am wondering if all those claims that the client-tracker traffic modification can be detected can be backed up with some facts.

I hear claims like "nothing in the computer world is invincable" and "you think you are better than our coders" etc.

But just look at the cold facts. The client-tracker protocol is just plain http. You can place any http proxy between your client and the trackers. I just did. Just plain http. The proxy goes undetected. The only difference is that the connection originates from a different port than the one the client was using, but AFAIK these are just random ports in the higher regions anyway, but my tcp knowledge is a bit rusty so correct me if I'm wrong. I think the port has to be random because you can't have two connections using the same pair of ports at any one time, or can you? Aren't source-ip:sport - dest-ip:dport identifiers for a connection? I know you can bind to a certain port when you open a connection to someone else, but I don't think you can keep this up when you need more than one connection.

In any case, there is absolutely no difference between GT with modification turned off, and a regular proxy.

Thumbs up for any system that can detect it when I modify my 1.5K/s upload into a 2K/s one.
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Joined: 31 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Doesn't matter.

Last edited by mikestarkweather on Fri Dec 21, 2007 5:14 am; edited 1 time in total
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