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Joined: 18 Mar 2007 Posts: 38
Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 3:55 pm Post subject: |
@Sathanas, we are a private site. Dont get me wrong ... you can still get banned from there. There are rules and seedtimes. I am not about to give up my URL to a cheat forum , or to that matter to a proclaimed cheater.
We dont hide , in fact even though we are private, sign ups are open at the moment. If you can find us you can join. You will adhere to our rules though, if not you be gone in a month.
As far as sites that make you seed 4x's .... Sure they do .
OH one more thing @B84 sorry I dont ask for directions , but agree with the rest
@Helios , sorry about coming here and raising hell. But really what did you expect ? A little group of cheaters sitting around bragging ?? You threaten every (almost) private tracker out there with this program . Of course your gonna get spammed to death .
Why dont you put some of that talent to use and make a BT client that cant be spoofed or modded. Something everysite would WANT to use . |
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Joined: 14 Mar 2007 Posts: 10
Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 4:28 pm Post subject: |
Quote: | Why dont you put some of that talent to use and make a BT client that cant be spoofed or modded. Something everysite would WANT to use . |
In your dreams, you would like that, I"ll bet. Instead of that, decrease your ratio scale!
Good posts, keep it up
Your soft work just fine Lecher's world  |
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Joined: 18 Mar 2007 Posts: 38
Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 4:36 pm Post subject: |
@Silme, you are the typical cheater arent you?
You need to go back re read the posts here. Let me save you an hour . I know looking up all those BIG words can be draining. My site doesnt have ratios .... therefore , I cant as you say "decrease your ratio scale".
Then with all the time I saved you , you might wanna take some online classes in english or spelling ,
"Your soft work just fine Smile Lecher's world Smile"
Yes his software works just fine , never said it didnt work . No its not a leechers world. Someday( I hope soon) you will need something somewhere for what ever reason. When that day comes and there isnt anyone to give it to you ... well I hope you see my point . |
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Joined: 20 Mar 2007 Posts: 4
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 4:59 am Post subject: |
HT wrote: | ok now they are just flaming each other with insults where are the mods when you need them.... I think the forum needs more mods.... |
I think that the forum needs less retards like you and all those pus***-as*-retards like those tracker admins. Let me guess...your in cahoots with them in bed?.....I wouldn't put it past ya. Dear God. Bless this poor pr*** who's chicken-pus*** and stick'en up for the tracker admins and tracker mods who pay us their Sunday morn visits. |
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Joined: 16 Mar 2007 Posts: 60
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 5:29 am Post subject: |
jackass wrote: | HT wrote: | ok now they are just flaming each other with insults where are the mods when you need them.... I think the forum needs more mods.... |
I think that the forum needs less retards like you and all those p****-a**-retards like those tracker admins. Let me guess...your in cahoots with them in bed?.....I wouldn't put it past ya. Dear God. Bless this poor p**** who's chicken-p**** and stick'en up for the tracker admins and tracker mods who pay us their Sunday morn visits. |
English? Was that like a sentence? All I see is ****'s.
Not to mention it doesn't make any sense, you post is completely useless, but I wouldn't expect much more coming from a user named "jackass", I guess your name says it all.
Might just want to add a "noob" infront.. noob-Jackass works much better for you in my opinion. |
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Joined: 20 Mar 2007 Posts: 1
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 7:21 am Post subject: |
Seriously guy's,
When someone uses this software they are cheating
NOT only the system but there fellow peers.
The (the cheater/s) is not giving back what he/she takes.
Therefor the one's who do seed have to seed for a longer
period of time so that the other non-cheater peers in swarm can complete there file.
Some, well most, see it as cheating the system (private tracker site)
but in reality you are cheating everyone, your peers.
If you were honest would you want a cheater to take your bandwidth and not give back to others?
The software name say's it all "Greed"
It's cheating, it's dishonest, it's a sin if your religious.
If you the software maker truely want to do something about
ratio's, why not do it in a positive way?
Talk with the site admin's, coder's and devise a way to make
it more better for those who do have a slow connection.
A little something to think about:
"If everyone cheated, how would you get your files?
Nobody would seed, hince you would not get your file.
You WOULD have to go to one of those pay sites
and you WOULD have to pay for it upon signup."
Ok, i have said my peace, i will not post again but only read
and hope that this software is not the start of what i fear
will be the end of honest filesharing.
Kind regards,
C0r3~ |
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Joined: 18 Mar 2007 Posts: 5
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 8:01 am Post subject: |
+1 to di preacher list.... geez..
C0r3 wrote: |
It's cheating, it's dishonest, it's a sin if your religious.
Sharing copyrighted contentz ain't sin???? Cheatin and stealin from movie makerz aint sin????
One q to fellow tracker adminz, du u think allowin di sharing of illegal content is honest and not cheatin????
Some will still seed forever. And some will still leech forever. U just cant stop both.. its part of di game, admit it!!!  |
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Joined: 20 Mar 2007 Posts: 7
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 8:25 am Post subject: |
This has been an entertaining read to say the least. It's made me laugh a dozen times at least. You guys really crack me up.
Now on a serious note. To all those who are considering trying this program. I'd like to remind you of one thing. If you get caught using this you will be banned from whatever private tracker your using it at. Seems a little risky to me when you realize that the coders of those sites are no less skilled than the creators of this program. Lets face it nothings perfect, and if a way to catch it exists they'll find it.
However it's your account and you can do with it as you please. My suggestion is to find another private tracker. Several good private trackers offer lots of options to help those with capped/slow uploads. Be they seed bonus program, free leech torrents, or a simple rule that you only seed for 72 hrs regardless of whether you've reached 1:1. I mean to say try to find a tracker that will cater to your needs as a member. Before trying something that if caught will get you banned from anywhere.
Just my two cent worth.
You children may flame me for this now if you must, but I welcome any sensible discussion to what I've just said.
//M |
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Joined: 18 Mar 2007 Posts: 5
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 8:53 am Post subject: |
Free lunch??
Which one is ur trackr??? And wich trackr has the free featurez u just mentioned??? If u can tell.... its gonna be greatttt.
Btw.. Nobody flamez somebody who talks nice... Why wud we???  |
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Joined: 20 Mar 2007 Posts: 7
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 10:31 am Post subject: |
To be honest had you asked me just about any place else I'd have given you an invite. However look where your at. Along with you I'd get god only knows how many members who only wish to take advantage. I can't/won't risk my user base like that. We fight hard to take care of our users.
However if you just look around. I'm sure you'll find us, or another site like ours. |
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